Wonder Forge Richard Scarry's Busytown, Eye Found It

Wonder Forge
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  • For ages 3 and up
  • Product Type: Board Game
  • Theme: Kids Games
  • Number of players: 2 to 4
  • Kids have fun and build confidence every time they say, "I found it!"
  • Encourages teamwork
  • Promotes attention to detail
  • Reinforces object identification and matching skills

  • Join Huckle Cat and Lowly Worm on a Busytown adventure, racing around Busytown to search for hidden objects in this fun-filled collaborative. Richard Scarry's classic world comes to life in the gigantic, colorful game-board. Drive through city streets, and activity-filled farm, a busy airport, and a bustling harbor full of boats. There's so much to discover along the way!

    Busytown awaits!
    Six-foot board!
    How Many Can You Find! Pig Will and Pig Won't are on a mission to eat all the food on Picnic Island! Using the illustrated, over six-foot long game board, you'll work as a team to make it to Picnic Island before they eat the food! Work together with other players to find hidden objects like buckets, traffic lights, flags, or ladders! Everyone gets a chance to say, “I Found It!”—the faster you find the hidden objects the faster you'll move!

    How to play, snapshot! After setting up the game board, placing the ferry at the end of the road, and the food items on Picnic Island, everyone chooses a mover. On your turn, the spinner will tell you to move, take away one food item from Picnic Island and spin again, or solve a Goldbug Mystery! To solve a Goldbug Mystery you flip a Goldbug Card and work as a team to find the item on that card on the game board. For each item your team finds you get to move forward a space. To win, all players must be on the ferry and arrive at Picnic Island before the pigs eat all the food.

    Quality Wonder Forge has won over 120 prestigious awards by creating good-for-you games that encourage teamwork, healthy competition, and get-up-and-go active play! Disney Princess Pretty as a Picture Matching keeps little ones engaged and having fun, while it promotes key preschool learning skills.

    What's In The Box 1 Game Board in three sections, 4 Movers, 4 Mover Bases, 1 Spinner, 1 Ferry Tile, 10 Magnifying Glass Tokens, 6 Food Tiles, 30 Goldbug Cards, 1 Sand Timer, 1 Game Rules Manual. Richard Scarry's Busytown Eye Found it! Game is intended for 2-4 players ages 3 and up!

    Work and play together!

    Brand: Wonder Forge, Model: 01017, Color: multi-colored

    Custom Tab 01

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