Wolo (840) Turbo Compressor and Extended Tank System

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  • Simple two-piece onboard air system consisting of a extended steel tank, 5.5 liter with a built in pressure switch and a 12-volt compressor that produces 2.03 CFM
  • Designed to power Wolos train horns or any high-pressure horns that require a high pressure onboard air system, will sound a three trumpet train air horn for ten seconds of continuous sounding
  • The Turbo compressor has a heavy-duty permanent magnet motor that is balanced and has heavy rubber bushings in its mounting base to virtually eliminate all vibration and the tank has a built-in pressure switch to maintain 110 psi
  • Comes with a 20 foot coiled air filler hose with brass fittings to fill shocks, rafts, or any application requiring air (Not recommended for filling tires)
  • Included in kit is: mounting hardware, 20 foot coiled filler hose, 10 foot 1/4 inch O.D. high pressure flexible air hose, brass fittings and installation instructions in English / Spanish

  • The Wolo 840 is a simple two-piece onboard air system consisting of a extended steel tank, 5.5 liter with a built in pressure switch and a 12-volt compressor that produces 2.03 CFM. The Model 840 is designed to power Wolo's train horns or any high-pressure horns that require a high pressure onboard air system, will sound a three trumpet train air horn for ten seconds of continuous sounding. The Turbo compressor has a heavy-duty permanent magnet motor that is balanced and has heavy rubber bushings in its mounting base to virtually eliminate all vibration and the tank has a built-in pressure switch to maintain 110 psi. The Model 840 comes with a 20 ft. coiled air filler hose with brass fittings to fill shocks, rafts, or any application requiring air (Not recommended for filling tires). Included in kit is: mounting hardware, 20 ft. coiled filler hose, 10 ft. 1/4” O.D. high pressure flexible air hose, brass fittings and installation instructions in English / Spanish.
    Brand: Wolo, Model: 840, Size: n/a

    Custom Tab 01

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