Wiseco PK1365 96.00 mm 12.0:1 Compression Motorcycle Piston Kit with Top-End Gasket Kit

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  • Piston domes are designed for optimal quench during the compression / combustion cycle, resulting in resistance to detonation and pre-ignition; the end product is longer engine life and increased horsepower potential
  • Each piston is built from race proven designs that are chosen by the top race teams in all forms of racing including super cross, motocross, GNCC, superbike, and more
  • Resistance to impact and fatigue

  • Wiseco 96.00 mm 12.0:1 Compression Motorcycle Piston Kit with Top-End Gasket Kit features the highest quality forged pistons for Dirt Bikes, ATV's, Snowmobiles, Outboard Marine and Motorcycles in the USA. Wiseco is unique because all of the pistons are forged in house and all of the forge tooling is produced right here. This allows a control of all aspects of the manufacturing process from raw bar to skirt coating finished parts. In addition, in-house dyno testing gives Wiseco the ability to develop state-of-the-art technology such as new shapes, coatings and components and lead the industry through rigorous research and development. Linking all segments of Wiseco's organization through design, testing, manufacturing and distribution helps to fulfill market needs with minimum lead-times. Extreme racing conditions demand the strength and toughness that only forged pistons can offer. Compared to cast pistons, forgings are tougher and more durable and will stand up to the abuse that high performance motorsport applications require. Most castings are brittle, have no grain structure and tend to fail catastrophically when the material yield strength is exceeded. Forgings have condensed grain that is aligned to the features of the part, which produces higher mechanical properties and resistance to impact and fatigue. Each forging is designed to optimize the strength-to-weight ratio and maximize performance.
    Brand: Wiseco, Model: PK1365, Size: 96.00 mm

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