Wisconsin Auto Supply MDZHP-FF-P-(1) Pink Wireless Headphone (2 Channel Fold Flat DVD Player with Case and 3.5 mm Auxiliary Cord), 1 Pack

Wisconsin Auto Supply
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  • Each Headphone comes with a matching durable case and Auxiliary cord
  • 3.5mm Auxiliary port with cord to also use on any device with a Standard Headphone Jack such as a smart phone, tablet, Leap Pad, Airplane
  • Wireless 2 Channel for IR Car Systems with One or Two Channel Infrared systems

  • You will receive 1 Wireless two channel Infrared Fold Flat headphone with case and Auxiliary cord. Headphone is compatible with all vehicles with a factory or aftermarket DVD/Video System that uses IR (infrared) technology. Headphone also has a headphone jack and comes with a 3 ft. Auxiliary cord to use on any device with a standard 3.5mm port such as: Smart phone, Tablet, Leap pad or even on an airplane! Each headphone also comes with a durable zippered case with a mesh holding compartment. 2 Channel for vehicles with one or two channel systems. Headphones adjust in size so they will fit small children and adults. On/Off Switch with automatic shutoff after two minutes of inactivity. Uses 2 AAA batteries when used wireless, no batteries required when used with the auxiliary cord feature. Soft padded earpieces for hours of comfortable listening. Volume control and Mute push button so listener can easily disable the sound. No programming or set up required, unit will pick up the audio in your vehicle as soon as the movie begins.
    Brand: Wisconsin Auto Supply, Model: MDZHP-FF-P-(1), Color: Pink

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