Wireless Personal Pager

SKU: EZFB0003039X2
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  • You will no longer have to yell to get someone's attention at home or at the office.
  • The Wireless Personal Pager allows you to page someone up to 100 feet away with the touch of a button.
  • Ideal for the elderly, handicapped, or sick to page their caregiver.
  • The transmitter can be worn around the neck or carried in a pocket.
  • Simply pressing a button on the transmitter will cause the receiver to beep.

  • You will no longer have to yell to get someone's attention at home or at the office. The Wireless Personal Pager allows you to page someone up to 100 feet away with the touch of a button. Ideal for the elderly, handicapped, or sick to page their caregiver. The transmitter can be worn around the neck or carried in a pocket. Simply pressing a button on the transmitter will cause the receiver to beep. The receiver may be mounted to a wall, set on a table or clipped to your clothing. Requires two "AA" batteries (not included). The use of rechargeable batteries in these units can cause undesirable performance-such as only working a few feet.
    Brand: Safeguard, Model: WPPG, Color: White

    Custom Tab 01

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