Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Series 111 Short Handle Synthetic Brush - Round #00

Winsor & Newton
Out Of Stock


Brand Winsor & Newton
Model 5301020
Size #00

  • Round bellied pointed brush best for use with water colour - for fine detail, lines and washes.
  • Made of fine quality blended synthetic fibers of differing thicknesses.
  • Soft filaments with good flow control, excellent spring, point and colour carrying capacity.
  • Strong, resilient & durable.
  • Easy to clean.

  • For over 150 years, the brush makers at Winsor & Newton have applied their knowledge to produce brushes of the highest standard. As new materials have become available they have used their experience to produce new ranges of brushes, each with their own benefits. Cotman brushes were the first complete range of synthetic brushes to be developed by Winsor & Newton. The secret of the Cotman brush lies in the fibres. By blending fibres of differing thickness Winsor & Newton achieve the three most important qualities sought after by the artist. The thicker fibres contribute strength and spring whilst the thinner fibres improve colour carrying capacity. Together they retain a perfect point, time after time. The Cotman Series 111 Round brush has a round bellied point best for use with water colour for fine detail, lines and washes. It is one of the most popular shapes when choosing a water colour brush because of it's variations function of use. All Round brushes come with golden synthetic tip dyed filaments, attached by nickel plated seamless ferrules to metallic blue gloss wooden short handles. Available in sizes: 0000, 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 & 14

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