Wings of Glory WWII: B–17G A Bit o' Lace

Ares Games
Out Of Stock


  • Ages: 13
  • Number of Players: 2
  • One 1/200 scale model
  • This is not a complete game. To play, you must own a WW2 Rules and Accessories Pack.

  • The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engine heavy bomber aircraft developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). The B-17 was primarily employed in the daylight precision strategic bombing campaign of World War II against German industrial and military targets. The B-17G is generally considered the definitive B-17 design, incorporating all changes made in the B-17F. A Bit o' Lace is possibly the most famous B-17G ever - It flew 83 missions over Europe, and featured art by cartoonist Milton Caniff as a decoration. Designed to be used with the popular air combat game system created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia, each WW2 Wings of Glory Special Pack is a ready-to-play large size model, painted and assembled, 100 percent compatible with any other WW2 Wings of Glory game product. In each pack you will find all you need to play with the airplane: a special base with gaming stats, a variable altitude flying stand, and a specific deck of maneuver cards, as well as specific rules and components necessary to use the airplane. Bonus contents in this pack include one double-sided industrial complex card and special rules.
    Brand: Ares Games, Model: AREWGS303B

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