Positions the flash above the lens when using side-mounted gimbal heads
Attaches directly to Arca-Swiss quick release lens plates. Consists of Wimberley Flash modules M1 and M3
For use with the WH-200-S Sidemount Head and the SK-100 Sidekick
Anodized 6061 aluminum, stainless steel fasteners
Made in USA. Assembled in Charlottesville, Virginia
About the F-6 Sidekick Flash Bracket This bracket consists of modules M1 and M3. It positions the flash above the lens. It is designed to be used on the Wimberley WH-200-S Sidemount Head and the SK-100 Sidekick. Connect other modules to this bracket to add macro capability (M-4 Macro Arm and M-8 Perpendicular Plate) or to form a quick-flip wedding bracket (M-7 flash flipper) What's Included M-3 Module: Tilt Arm (Qty 1) M-1 Module: Quick-release Arm (Qty 1) 5 Year Warranty on all products from Wimberley About Wimberley Flash Brackets Wimberley brackets are designed to be modular; attaching rigidly together with high quality captive quick release fasteners. No tools are necessary. Brackets collapse for easy compact storage. The Nikon SC-29 Cord is not compatible with this bracket unless you use the FA-11 Adapter. Brand: Wimberley, Model: F-6
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