Matte finish and translucent colors for professional appearance
Prevents toner transfer from printed and copied materials
Back-mounted round rings allow flexibility when organizing within the binder
4 large storage pockets hold up to 15 loose sheets each
Great for color-coding projects
The quality, style, and innovation of Wilson Jones binders, report covers, and presentation supplies prove why the brand has been trusted and used for over 100 years. The Wilson Jones Translucent Poly Binder is a versatile tool that provides extra large vertical storage pockets within its durable poly shell, as well as a see-through design that makes finding that important page easier than ever. Check out the Translucent Turn Tabs, colored translucent tab dividers that protrude just enough to organize, then discreetly hide away, ideal for your active use binders. This sturdy binder has a 1.5 inch capacity for 3-hole punched documents, holds up to 15 additional loose or unpunched sheets in each cover pocket, and features a cool matte finish and translucent colors to let you stay organized in style. What's more, the strong poly material prevents toner transfer from printed and copied documents, so papers stay smooth and protected. The back-mounted round rings allow for flexibility while organizing and are easy to open. Wilson Jones school, office and presentation supplies are the easy choice for the right products, every time! Brand: Wilson Jones, Model: A7040775, Color: Clear, Size: 1.5"
Custom Tab 01
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