Provides readily absorbed Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids
Promotes strong immune system
Reduces inflammation throughout the body
Safe for dogs of all ages
Made in the USA
Wholistic Pet Deep Sea Salmon Oil 16 oz. for pets is the finest quality salmon oil from the body of resh-caught salmon. Rich in EPA and DHA, it is the perfect combination of Omega-3's and Omega-6's that is naturally present in our freshly harvested salmon straight from the cold waters of Alaska! Deep Sea Salmon Oil delivers Omega-3 fatty acids in the body-ready form of DHA and EPA so pets derive the full benefits available. When added to your pet's daily diet, it will help promote a beautiful skin and coat, along with helping to reduce disease causing inflammation throughout the body. Brand: Wholistic Pet Organics, Model: SCTWP30, Size: 16 oz
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