Whitmor Supreme 5 Tier Shelving with Adjustable Shelves and Leveling Feet - Chrome

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  • Provides storage and organization for kitchens, attics, basements and garages
  • Durable chromed steel construction with grid wire shelves that adjust in 1 inch increments
  • Leveling feet allows the shelving unit to be placed on uneven surfaces
  • Assembled Dimensions: 14 x 36 x 72 inches
  • Easy assembly, no tools required
  • Each shelf can accommodate up to 350 pounds
  • NSF certified for dry storage and heated environments for industrial or residential use
  • Whitmor's Service Guarantee - we stand by our products, if you have any problems, contact us for help

  • The Whitmor Supreme 5-Tier Shelving System allows you to organize items your garage, kitchen, closet or basement. In the kitchen, store your pots and pans. In the garage, you can organize your household items, power tools, pantry items and more. In the closet, you can organize your linens on these versatile shelves. In the living room, it can be used as an entertainment system. The sturdy 350 lb. shelf capacity means you can load it with just about anything you want. These versatile shelves can be positioned in one inch increments for ultimate customization according to the objects that you need to store. The adjustable leveling feet have rubber protectors to protect your floors from scratches and damage. The heavy-duty shelving will allow you to easily hang, stack or organize your items to avoid clutter. Say goodbye to disorganized spaces. Use this Whitmor Supreme 5-Tier Shelving System in your garage, kitchen, closet or basement. Cleaning is easy with a damp cloth. The no tools required assembly allows you to set it up right out of the box.  Whitmor is a 4th generation family-owned and operated business. Since 1946, Whitmor has been dedicated to bringing organization home by creating products that simplify everyday life. Ensuring that those products are built with integrity, value, and innovation is our commitment to you. And our promise is that we will always be here for you should you ever need us as we stand behind our product 100%.   Whitmor customer service is available in English and Spanish Monday through Friday from 8am - 4:30pm CST.  Call us and we will gladly assist you in your language.  You may contact Whitmor toll-free at 1-888-944-8667 or via email at customer_servicewhitmor.com.

    Brand: Whitmor, Model: 6060-267, Color: Chrome, Size: 5-TIER

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