It takes 10 -20 days to your home after you confirm the order.
Size: 30cm x 36cm (approx.:11.5 in x 14 in)
Two zippered compartments for keep wet and dry things separate.
Comes with handle for easy carrying or attaching to your diaper bag or stroller.
Please note that there is a sewn in waterproof liner, if you use it for swim wear, you have to make sure that you squeeze out the water prior to putting in the bag. Do not put extremely wet item in the bag. See more product details
A truly wonderful bag that allows you to carry your wet and dry items in the same bag. Each bag contains a "wet" section that is sewn and sealed for no wicking or leaking AND a zippered dry section along with a clever snap handle for easy carrying. Carry all your items in one bag while keeping your dry items dry and your wet or soiled items seperate. Truly an all in one bag! Brand: Hibaby, Color: Bloom, Size: Small
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