Westinghouse 7234220 Xavier II 52-Inch Five-Blade Indoor Ceiling Fan with Three Spot Lights, Brushed Nickel with Gun Metal Accents

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Brand Westinghouse
Model 7234220
Color Brushed Nickel W/ Gun Metal
Size 52-Inch

  • 52-inch, five-blade indoor ceiling fan; ideal for rooms up to 360 square feet (18 by 20 feet)
  • 153-millimeter by 15-millimeter silicon steel motor with triple capacitor; three fan speeds (high/medium/low); reversible switch for year-round use
  • Airflow: 5,063 cfm; Energy Usage: 67 watts without lights; Airflow Efficiency: 76 cfm per watt
  • Includes 78-inch lead wire, 3/4-inch by 4-inch down rod, and three GU10 50-watt MR16 halogen light bulbs
  • Lifetime motor warranty; two-year warranty on all other parts

  • Add a unique and dynamic focal point to any room with the Westinghouse Xavier II Ceiling Fan. The brushed nickel finish with gun metal accents provides a contemporary look, while the graphite and weathered maple reversible blades make it easy to match or change your room's decor. The Xavier II's three spotlights let you direct light where you need it, and its three fan speeds (high/medium/low) and reversible switch help you stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The Westinghouse Xavier II ceiling fan is backed by a lifetime motor warranty and a two-year warranty on all other parts. Product reference number 72342.

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