West Paw Zogoflex Hurley Durable Dog Bone Chew Toy for Aggressive Chewers, 100% Guaranteed Tough, It Floats!, Made in USA, Large, Aqua

West Paw
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  • Designed to be durable for long chew sessions
  • A floatable, safe dog bone.
  • 100% Guaranteed against dog damage by Manufacturer
  • Made in America, recyclable and dishwasher safe
  • Safe. BPA-and-Phthalate-free, non-toxic and FDA compliant

  • Hurley is a floatable, bouncing dog bone that doesn't get all grimy from being in a dog's mouth. Safer and gentler than rawhide bones, this classic dog bone doubles as a fetch stick. A major bestseller, dogs love it for gnawing and fetching (especially in water). Owners like the easy dishwasher clean-up. Hurley is a great toy to keep dogs mentally and physically stimulated and, most importantly, away from shoes and furniture. So go ahead and give your dog a bone.

    All Zogoflex dog toys are made in the USA, certified-safe, and guaranteed to last. They're FDA-compliant (meaning they're safe to eat off of), and are available in bright, easy-to-spot colors making them perfect for play in snow, grass and water. All Zogoflex dog toys are available for recycling through the manufacturer's closed-loop recycling program, Join the Loop. West Paw Design recycles all Zogoflex.

    West Paw Design is a small manufacturer of high-quality pet products made in Bozeman, Montana. We put extra care into making the best for your pet while minimally impacting the environment and supporting the wonderful people who work for us everyday. We love what we do, and we know you will too!

    West Paw Design is a certified B Corporation. Through a rigorous assessment and review process, West Paw Design has demonstrated its commitment to transparency, accountability and a higher corporate purpose. B Corps use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems, by competing to be not only the best in the world, but the best for the world.

    Brand: West Paw, Model: ZG011AQA, Color: Aqua, Size: Large

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