Features One universal bit holder 893/4/1 K and 6 various bits,1/4" x 50mm Universal Bit Holder
Includes Universal bit holder with 9 bits in compact case
Wera Bits for hard materials (e.g. metal sheets or structures) prevent premature breakages of the tip, created by the large amounts of peak torque generate to the screw and bit
Wera's experience of narrow tolerance manufacturing techniques and careful material selection helps deliver maximum safety at work
Durable plastic case is thinner then the biggest tool and can easily fit in a shirt pocket
Wera 7 Piece Mini-Check TX with universal bit holder is designed for compact and organized tool storage. Wera bit-checks feature a compact design to safely store bits and bit holders in a package that is thinner than the biggest tool contained. So slim it can fit into your pocket. Slide switch allows for one-handed opening of bit-check for easy tool removal. Sorted by drive and size, tools are easy to locate and return to proper position, making missing products easy to identify. Includes one Universal bit holder with 6 TORX bits; TX10, TX15, TX20, TX25, TX30, TX40. Wera – The Best Tools For The Job! Brand: Wera, Model: 05056294001
Custom Tab 01
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