Wera 05073593001 950 Spkl/9 Sm N Multicolor L-Key Set, Metric, Blacklaser, 9 Pieces

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  • L-keys for hexagonal socket screws
  • Hex-Plus allows socket head screws to live longer
  • Black Laser for high corrosion protection and long service life
  • Wear-resistant clip material for enhanced durability

  • High quality L-key set with color coded, convenient plastic sleeve. This ensures that the tool is quickly to hand and the ergonomic and pleasant handle is easy on the hands even at low temperatures. The wear-resistant clip material ensures secure storage of the L-keys as well as simple removal. The Hex-Plus profile offers a greater contact surface in the head of the screw. The notching effect is therefore reduced to a minimum and damage to the screw head more or less eliminated. The ballpoint on the long arm allows dependable working even in difficult installation situations. The Black Laser surface treatment provides outstanding surface protection, even against corrosion, and a long service life. Laser-engraved and thereby wear-resistant size markings on the L-keys for rapid accessing.
    Brand: Wera, Model: 05073593001, Color: Original Version

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