WEN 3410 3-Speed Remote-Controlled Air Filtration System (300/350/400 CFM)

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  • Circulate the air in a 400 square foot room up to 7.5 times per hour
  • Three-speed operation flows air at a rate of 300, 350, or 400 cubic feet per minute
  • Includes a 1-micron filter and a 5-micron pre-filter, both of which can be easily replaced
  • Programmable timer automatically shuts unit off after set number of minutes
  • Remote control allows users to set timer, change speed and power the unit on and off from up to 26 feet away

  • Remember when your workshop was full of clean air Air-borne dust particulates can dirty up a woodworker's workshop and harm a healthy respiratory system, but with the WEN 3-Speed Remote-Controlled Air Filtration System, you no longer need to worry. This system eradicates these contaminants by catching them in one of the two easily cleanable filters while circulating the air in your work area. The powerful 1/6 HP motor leaves no stone unturned, collecting every contaminant in its path. Quiet system creates 50 to 60 dB of noise and is controllable up to 26 feet away with the included remote. The lightweight design weighs in at a mere 31 pounds. Combine this with the attached carrying handle and eyebolts for easy mobility, mounting and installation. The WEN Air Filtration System collects and releases the air in your workshop after filtering it through both a 5-micron outer filter and a 1-micron inner filter. Easily switch between three speeds of 300, 350 and 400 cfm depending on what the situation calls for. With the time feature, you don't even have to worry about turning off your machine. Simply set the timer and the machine will turn off on its own once the time runs out, allowing you to easily give your workshop a thorough cleanse at the end of a day of woodworking without having to be present. And because this is a WEN Product, your 3-Speed Remote-Controlled Air Filtration System is backed by a two-year warranty, a helpful customer service phone line, and a nationwide network of experienced technicians. Remember when you could breathe easy in your workshop Remember WEN.
    Brand: WEN, Model: 3410, Color: Black, Size: PACK

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