We R Memory Keepers 8.5 x 11-inch 3-Ring Album Page Protectors by 10 pack

We R Memory Keepers
Out Of Stock


  • QUALITY MATTERS: Our high-quality page protectors are ultra-crystal clear, non-glare, extra thick (4mm), acid-free and have reinforced edges. Strong and built to last.
  • PROTECT YOUR IMORTANT PROJECTS: Reinforced ring holes ensure pages won't fall out of albums and get lost. Extra thick edges keep photos safe and in place.
  • VERSATILE: Mix and match any We R Memory Keepers page protector or photo sleeve with any standard 3-Ring Album.
  • LARGE VARIETY: Our page protectors and photo sleeves come in so many different sizes and quantities. Pick some up today!

  • We R Memory Keepers 3-Ring Album Page Protectors are made from the highest quality materials, so you can be sure they are built to last. The sheets are extra thick, but crystal clear. Easily see your photos from any angle because these page protectors are made from a non-glare, acid-free material. Each sheet has reinforced edges to protect your photos and ensure they never fall out. Protect your important projects with this quality product today.
    Brand: We R Memory Keepers, Model: 660157, Color: Ultra Crystal Clear, Size: 8.5x11 Inches

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