WanEway Large Lighted Makeup Vanity Dressing Table Mirror with 24 LED Light, Illuminated Tabletops Cosmetic Mirror, with 10x Magnification Detail Mirror and Dimmer Switch, Battery Operated, White

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  • The only lighted mirror featuring 24 LEDs produces 30% brighter lights than 2nd Gen. 5,000-6,000 Kelvin white light closely simulates natural sunlight, providing color-correct lighting for your makeup.
  • With a clear and large 12" screen, the 3rd Gen lighted mirror is 20% larger than competing makeup mirrors equipped with a 10" screen, allowing you to get your entire face in view at once.
  • Thanks to the low consumption LED chips, 3rd Gen lighted mirror can last up to 2-3 weeks for daily use operated with 4 brand new AA batteries, up to 10% more energy efficient (batteries NOT included).
  • A smart touch dimmer switch with memory function is located on the mirror to turn lights on/off and adjust brightness whenever you want, and the lights will always remain on your desired brightness when it is switched on.
  • A useful 3.5" 10x detail mirror with suction cups can help you see the details of eyeliner, mascara, eyebrows, and the grooming of unwanted hairs; it will help ensure you're always ready for your close-up.

  • Description: This cordless, lighted, dimmable makeup mirror is surrounded by 24 LED bulbs to highlight your reflection at standard view by a 12" normal mirror and detail view by a 10x magnification spot mirror. 24 LEDs provide a clean and bright reflection, 30% brighter than 2nd Gen and competing mirrors on the market, while low consumption LED chips make it 10% more energy efficient and save you money on batteries. A smart touch dimmer switch is located on the mirror to turn lights on/off and adjust brightness whenever you want. Also, memory function makes the LEDs always stay on your preferred brightness when it is switched on. Packaging includes 1 x LED makeup mirror, 1 x accessory tray, 1 x magnification spot mirror, 1 x user manual. Batteries are not included. Please note: Before touching the sensor switch on the surface of the mirror, please make sure the ON/OFF button on the back of the mirror is in the ON position. Short press the sensor switch for turning on/off, and long press for dimming the light.
    Brand: WanEway, Color: White

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