Walton Replacement Finger for 4 Flute Tap Extractor, 3/8" Size

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  • For removing Machine Screws and Broken Hand Taps
  • Replacement finger for Walton 4 Flute, tap extractors
  • Fingers give you the ability to replace a worn out part without having to purchase an entire new tap extractor
  • Made of hardened steel to help prevent the damage of the workpieces threads

  • These are replacement fingers for the Walton Tap Extractor system.  These Walton fingers are used in conjunction with a Walton tap extractor to remove a broken tap.  The specific size and number of fingers used should match the size and number of flutes of the broken tap.  For example, a 1/2" 4-flute tap extractor would use four (4) 1/2" fingers.  These fingers, used with the tap extractor, would then be extended down in to the flutes of the broken tap.  The tap extractor would then be twisted to remove the broken tap from the hole.
    Brand: Walton, Model: 7548871

    Custom Tab 01

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