Votive Candles In Clear Glass Cups Provide Soft Illumination For Up To 15 Hours (Ctn/24)

SKU: EZFB001718M7O
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  • bulk packaging for extra savings
  • will burn up to 15 hours
  • clear, heavy glass container
  • unscented wax
  • container can be used again

  • Packed 24 candles to a box, these glass votives will provide many hours of burning time at a low cost. Each votive will burn up to 15 hours. (Trim the wick to 1/4" before lighting to get the maximum burning time). The heavy-duty 1/8 inch clear glass container is filled with an unscented white wax and when the wax is depleted the container can be reused as a votive or cleaned and used for general household purposes. Each votive measures 2-3/8 inches high and slightly tapers to 2 inches diameter at the top. These votive cups are ideal for devotional purposes or for use in candle lamps and table accents. This offer includes one box of 24 votive candles. For hundreds more craft, art and hobby products, be sure to visit our National Artcraft Storefront. We have the creative component you need.
    Brand: Dynamic, Color: White

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