Voice Recorder Captures Your Message Up To 10 Seconds Long. Express Yourself to Someone Special (Pkg. Of 2)

Caleb's Heartbeat
Out Of Stock


  • Compact size is only 1-3/4" in diameter
  • Easily records over prior messages if desired
  • Simple to use. Just hold button down to record your message
  • Quality speaker provides a clear playback
  • A great way to say something humorous or sentimental

  • This easy-to-use voice/sound recorder will provide a lot of enjoyment by letting you record up to a 10 second message that can be played back with the push of a button. It can be used to send a special message to someone but because of its construction also makes an ideal voice unit for use in plush toys, seasonal displays and other craft projects. You can record over and over on this unit. Each time you record a message it replaces the previous one. The recorder measures 1-3/4" in diameter and is 3/4" high. It is powered by long-lasting watch batteries that are easily replaced if it is ever necessary. The quality of the speaker is excellent and your message will play back loud and clear.
    Brand: Caleb's Heartbeat, Model: 1902

    Custom Tab 01

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