Vibra-TITE 612 Fast Acting Excel Adhesive Primer T for Anaerobics, 2 oz Bottle, Amber

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  • Vibra-TITE surface preparation products promote maximum performance of adhesives and sealants
  • Anaerobics
  • 30-70 seconds dry time
  • Acetone/Isopropanol base

  • Vibra-TITE Excel Primer T is a flammable but ozone friendly version of Primer T which replaces the original trichloroethane based product. Primer T speeds cure of all anaerobic fluids and assists in speeding fixture times and reducing ultimate cure times. Vibra-TITE Excel Primer T is a fast acting primer. Primer T is best suited for use with our threadlockers, retaining compounds and pipe sealants. Excel Primer T has an on part life of 7 days. Product is normally hand applied from the bottle by brushing, wiping or spraying onto parts. Excel 611 Primer N is a blend of flammable solvents. Care must be taken to avoid flames. Shelf Life is 12 months at 68 degree F unopened. High flammability. Performance is dependent on the anaerobic viscosity, gap fill and type of materials being bonded. However, in typical applications fixture times are achieved in approximately 2 minutes. Store in cool area out of direct sunlight. 2 oz Bottle.
    Brand: Vibra-TITE, Model: 612, Color: Amber, Size: 2 ounces

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