Vibra-TITE 121 Medium Strength Removable Anaerobic Threadlocker, 10ml Bottle, Blue

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  • Lock and seal threaded fasteners
  • Stop fasteners from loosening from shock and vibration
  • Performs better than lock washers, bevel washers and other forms of mechanical locking devices
  • Alleviates rust-lock
  • Prevent leakage

  • Vibra-TITE 121 Medium Strength Threadlocker is a general purpose product. 121 will hold all metric, imperial or conventional sized nuts and bolts, meeting the requirements of over 80 percent of fastening applications. It does not run off or drip and does not migrate after assembly due to its thixotropic chemistry. Once applied, parts install easily, lubricated by the adhesive. Vibra-TITE 121 replaces lock washers, plastic inserts and locks machine access bolts, and hydraulic system bolts. Used on gear box bolts, drive shaft fasteners, bearing cover cap screws, counter sunk screws, conveyor roller bolts and construction equipment. Ensure parts are clean, dry and free from oil and grease before use. Product is normally hand applied from the bottle onto threaded parts. Fixture Speed without Primer is 20 minutes at 77/F. Shelf Life is 12 months at 68 degree F. 24 hours at 68 degree F Full Cure Time. 100-200 inches/lbs Typical Breakaway Strength. 30-60 inches/lbs Typical Prevailing Strength. Product should be stored in a cool and dry location at temperatures between -10 degree C to 30 degree C. Optimal storage is 22 /- 4 degree C. Shelf life is 18 months from date of manufacture when stored at 22 /- 4 degree C. Seals nuts and bolts ranging from 1/4'' to 3/4'' (6-20mm) in diameter while allowing disassembly using standard tools. 0.007 inches Maximum gap fill. 120/45 lbs Torque strength, Break/Prevail. 1.07 Specific gravity. N or T Suggested primer. 10 ml Bottle.
    Brand: Vibra-TITE, Model: 121, Color: Blue, Size: 10 mililiters

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