VIAHART Brain Flakes 500 Piece Interlocking Plastic Disc Set | A Creative and Educational Alternative to Building Blocks | Tested for Children's Safety | A Great STEM Toy for Both Boys and Girls!

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  • Every Jar Has More Than 500 (!) Pieces and Includes an Idea Booklet with Instructions to Build a Brain Flakes Ball! | Discs Click Together Easily For Ages 5 (Some children as young as 3 years have no problem) | Discs measure 1.3 Inches (3.3cm) across
  • Child Safe | Tested for compliance with ASTM F963-11 US CPSIA Regulations | Brain Flakes discs are BPA, lead, heavy metal, and phthalate free
  • Both Boys and Girls Love Brain Flakes Disks! | Teaches Spatial Thinking | Engineers Start Here! Give Your Child The Skills Today! | Hours of Play and Tons of Awesome Creations!
  • SIZE AND WEIGHT | Product Measures 5 x 5 x 8 in inches | 12.7 x 12.7 x 20.4 in centimeters | Product Weighs Approximately 1.9 lbs / 0.9 kgs | These dimensions and weight do not include the packaging | Watch our video to learn more about this product:
  • 30 day no questions asked return policy and FREE returns!

  • Product Description Brain Flakes brand discs from VIAHART are a new construction toy which teaches both boys and girls spatial thinking and lets their imaginations run wild! Every jar contains over 500 discs, which means hours of endless fun and engineering education. In addition to brain building, Brain Flakes discs will improve the coordination and dexterity of young children, keeping both their minds and bodies active! The discs measure 1.3 inches across and are 1/10th inch thick. They click together and apart easily for all ages and levels of motor skills. They come in a great reusable plastic jar (PET). The discs themselves are made from safe and tested polyethylene (PE). The cap of the jar is made from polypropylene (PP). Our discs are a revolutionary addition to the world of children's and adults' construction toys. Get a Brain Flakes set today! Return Policy
  • 30 day returns and no restocking fees!
  • If there's a problem with your order, please text a photo of the issue to 203-340-1251 (no phone support, text message only) and we'll replace or refund you without the hassle of a return.
  • All VIAHART products match or exceed Amazon's return policy.
  • Shipping and Fulfillment This product ships from an Amazon warehouse. About the Manufacturer VIAHART was founded in 2010 with a big idea and a single product. Today, we design and manufacture hundreds of different toys, sporting goods, housewares, and other consumer goods. Our goal is to make our customers happy with clever, safe, and high quality products. We are headquartered in New York and use warehouses on the east and west coasts in addition to the Amazon fulfillment centers which ship most of our products. Our products are manufactured in China and Vietnam under our strict supervision. If you have a question or if there's some way we can help you out, do not hesitate to reach out to us via the contact method above!
    Brand: VIAHART

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