Venture Heated Clothing KB-1260 REG Black Regular 12V Heated Elbow Therapy Wrap with Temperature Controller and 12V Adapter

Venture Heated Clothing
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  • An automatic 30-minute timer preset is also programmed into the unit as an added safety feature.
  • Heating Time: Continuous heating Built-in 30-minute timer
  • Heating Temperature: up to 132 Fahrenheit (Max) .Choose from Low, Medium, High and Maximum.
  • Low Voltage Connection. It uses a built-in low voltage plug to connect easily to any outlet in your home or office.
  • Heating Panels: Hair thin, micro carbon fiber heating elements- no coils

  • Venture Heated Clothing Elbow Therapy Wrap gives relief from elbow pain caused by tennis elbow or arthritis. Feel its deep penetrating heat soothe the tired and aching muscles. The ultimate pain relief is now within your grasp. Utilizing the latest in Far Infrared (FIR) Technology it penetrates deep within the muscle tissues to stimulate blood circulation and create a comforting heat that soothes all your aches and pains. It Provides custom fit feel. It's constructed using precise three-dimensional tailoring, the neck and shoulder Wrap is easily adjustable and can perfectly fit the shoulders, providing maximum support and fit. At home Elbow Wrap, you not only experience relief from the pain but you also speed up your healing process. The soothing warmth relaxes muscle spasms and loosens joint stiffness. It speeds up cellular healing and helps eliminate harmful toxins.
    Brand: Venture Heated Clothing, Model: KB-1260 REG, Color: Black, Size: Regular

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