Veggetti Pro Table-Top Spiralizer, Quickly Spiral Slice Vegetables into Healthy Veggie Pasta

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  • The Veggetti pro vegetable Spiralizer is a fast, easy way to turn veggies into delicious healthy spaghetti
  • Spiral slicer comes with 3 interchangeable stainless steel blades - thin, thick & ribbon
  • Gluten free, delicious pasta without the carbs
  • Great for zucchini, squash, carrots, cucumbers and potatoes
  • Spiral vegetable slicer features non-slip suction cup base

  • The Veggetti pro table-top Spiralizer is the fast, easy way to turn veggies into delicious spaghetti in seconds. The Veggetti pro's ultra-sharp stainless steel blades effortlessly slice through vegetables for endless pasta strips, delicious salads and coleslaw, onion rings and so much more. Veggetti pro works on almost any size vegetable. The Veggetti pro vegetable Spiralizer is dishwasher safe, does not require batteries, and fits in almost any drawer. Why use Veggetti pro: - zucchini and squash are healthier than traditional pasta and have a delicious taste and perfect texture when sliced in the Veggetti pro. The Veggetti pro allows you to cut thin spaghetti size or thick fettuccini size zucchini noodles. Spiral vegetable slicer breaks apart for compact storage in a cabinet or drawer.
    Brand: Veggetti, Model: 836331, Color: White, Size: One Size

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