Valco Baby Bassinet (TriMode/Zee) (Sunrise Navy)

Valco Baby
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  • Compatible with: Single Tri Mode, Zee, Matrix or Quad Stroller
  • Simply remove the stroller fabrics and add this Bassinet
  • The bassinet includes padded washable mattress cover, rain cover, bug net, and boot cover
  • The extended air flow system provides extra air flow and comfort for your child to enjoy a good rest.
  • Zippered storage pouch at front of bassinet provides a perfect place to put things you need to get in a hurry

  • Easily convert your Tri Mode, Zee, Matrix or Quad to a pram by adding the bassinet. It's a great alternative to using the car seat. The bassinet allows a baby to lay flat and have room to move around. The added sit up feature allows baby to sit up in the bassinet and take in the world around them extending the period of time you can use it. When it is time to stop using it and move into stroller mode, simply take off the bassinet and put the fabric back on the frame and you're ready to stroll.
    Brand: Valco Baby, Color: Sunrise Navy

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