Vacu Vin Cocktail Layering Tool

Vacu Vin
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  • Cocktail Layering Tool by Vacuum Vin
  • Helps even amateur bartenders create layered drinks
  • Special design slows the flow of fluids and creates layers based on density of the liquids
  • Funnel measurements are based on most frequently made layered cocktails
  • Makes layering cocktails easy for anyone

  • Creating a layered cocktail is no longer for professionals only. Thanks to the Layering Tool by Vacu Vin, an amateur bartender can also create the perfect layered cocktail. The special design slows down the fluids as they are being poured and creates beautiful layers, based on the density of the fluids. The measurements in the funnel are based on the most frequently used cocktails. The Layering Tool is a great gadget that makes creating a layered cocktail possible for everyone. For over 25 years, Vacu Vin has manufactured and distributed patented, innovative kitchen, barware and houseware products. With a focus of bringing quality, functional and fun products to consumers at reasonable prices, Vacu Vin products have been awarded over 20 International Design and Trade Awards, and are sold in over 80 countries. Vacu Vin believes innovative ideas set tomorrow's standards and it is with this philosophy that Vacu Vin will continue to bring unique, quality products to your home for years to come.
    Brand: Vacu Vin, Model: 7861060, Color: Purple

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