Elevates the fire for faster start-up and ash removal
Protects the stove's cast iron base
Increases airflow for hotter fires
Can also be used for other fire applications such as fire pits
US Stove's G42 Cast Iron Grate extends the life of your stove by protecting its cast iron base. The grate also elevates the fire for faster start-up and ash removal, and aids in the combustion efficiency of the fire allowing air to get underneath the coal bed. Designed for use with US Stove model 2421. US Stove has been bringing warmth to homes across the nation for 140-year. US Stove has a wide range of Automatic Circulators, Plate Steel Heaters, Cast Iron Heaters, Pellet/Multi-Fuel Heaters and Gas Fireplaces from which to choose. The large selection of stoves and accessories will ensure warmth of your home with safe, quality products. Brand: US Stove Company, Model: G42
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