Underwraps Baby's Panda Belly-Babies, Black/White, X-Large

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  • Underwraps brings you the most adorable Panda costume for Halloween, parties, dress-up and even fun photo shoots. Your little Cub will look so cute they won't want to take it off.
  • SOFT AND CONVENIENT: Soft swirl design plush body, with velcro closures. Easy to pull up for effortless diaper changing. Leggings are not included.
  • DETAILED HOOD: Complete your look with the adorable detailed plush hood and shoe covers.
  • COMFORTABLE: Made from a lightweight baby blanket material with cooling fiberfill to keep your Belly-Baby happy and comfortable. Designed to be spacious enough to pull over warm clothes during cold weather if necessary.
  • SIZING: Available in Toddler's Medium (18-24 months), Large (2-4T), XL (4-6).

  • This adorable Halloween Panda costume is perfect for Trick-or-treating, themed family photos, parties, and any other dress up occasion. So soft and cute your little Animal lover won't want to take it off also making it perfect for hours of imaginative play. Made of a soft whirled chenille design. The plush body has velcro closures allowing for easy and effortless diaper changing. The darling Panda look is completed with the detailed hood and shoe covers. This material is so soft and cuddly it is literally made from a lightweight baby blanket material with cooling fiberfill to keep your Belly-Baby happy and comfortable. Designed to be worn over clothes in cold weather conditions if necessary. Available in Toddler Sizing Medium (18-24 Months), Large (2-4), and X-Large (4-6).
    Brand: Underwraps, Model: 25813 XL, Color: Black, Size: X-Large (4-6)

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