Underground Toys Doctor Who 10th #8 Collector Figure

Underground Toys
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  • Celebrate 50 years of the Doctor and his greatest monsters with a unique figurine collection based on the world's longest-running Sci-Fi television series with this Doctor Who 10th Doctor Collector Figure! The series draws from every era of the show
  • Cast in a specially formulated metallic resin and painted by hand, this 10th Doctor figure is sculpted with incredible care and attention to detail. The 10th Doctor is shown in a classic moment from a specific episode
  • The process begins by collecting detailed reference material from the Doctor Who archives, which is then sent to the sculptor who produces a 3D digital sculpt. This sculpt is refined in consultation with the BBC's Doctor Who team before it is finally
  • The factory scales the digital files to exactly 1:21-scale and uses them to make precision tools. The figurines are cast in a special metallic resin and painted by hand, using original production color references, and then given final approval by the
  • Ages 14 and up

  • Celebrate 50 years of the Doctor and his greatest monsters with a unique figurine collection based on the world's longest-running Sci-Fi television series with this Doctor Who 10th Doctor Collector Figure! The series draws from every era of the show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor plus his greatest monsters. Cast in a specially formulated metallic resin and painted by hand, this 10th Doctor figure is sculpted with incredible care and attention to detail. The 10th Doctor is shown in a classic moment from a specific episode. The process begins by collecting detailed reference material from the Doctor Who archives, which is then sent to the sculptor who produces a 3D digital sculpt. This sculpt is refined in consultation with the BBC's Doctor Who team before it is finally approved. The factory scales the digital files to exactly 1:21-scale and uses them to make precision tools. The figurines are cast in a special metallic resin and painted by hand, using original production color references, and then given final approval by the BBC. Ages 14 and up.
    Brand: Underground Toys, Model: UGTDW01299, Color: Multi-colored

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