Ubimed Lifenest Sleep System, White

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  • Helps prevent flat head (positional plagiocephaly)
  • Allows your baby to breathe freely through the netting if he or she accidentally rolls over and prevents rebreathing for a better oxygenation
  • Improves sleep by keeping your baby dry and comfortable on the dust-mite free hypoallergenic netting
  • Allows unrestricted movements promoting relaxation and better sleep
  • The lifenest's waterproof protective layer allows you to easily wipe off any liquid with a sanitary wipe

  • The new lifenest sleep system is the next generation of baby mattress. It was created by a pediatric doctor to improve both the safety and comfort of babies at hospital and home. The lifenest 2nd gen. Provides your baby's head with a comfortable soft surface that reduces pressure on the head, helping prevent flat head better than any regular mattress sold today. Using the properties of a hammock with netting built into the mattress, lifenest not only reduces pressure, but allows your baby to breathe freely through the netting if he or she accidentally rolls over. Because the lifenest sleep system and dedicated breathable fitted sheets also reduces the risk of re-breathing, suffocation and overheating, the result is a safer and more comfortable baby. Baby sleeps better and so do you. You'll see the difference every time you lay your baby down on a lifenest mattress. Safety, comfort and peace of mind, all for just $129.99
    Brand: Ubimed, Model: SPM004, Color: White, Size: 33.5 x 27.5 x 4.25

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