Uberstix UberBat 60 Piece Set

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  • Moving Bat Wing Action
  • 60 Piece Kit
  • 40 page basic book
  • Ages 8 and Up
  • Kids can build a host of other modes with this kit

  • U00403 Features: -Uberbat.-Uberfrog, uberdragon, uberbird, uberbat, and ubercrab.-All part of the ''animal kingdom series'' by uberstix.-Perfect example of why the uberstix build system is so special.-Frog leaps, the crab's legs move, the dragon slithers, and the bird and bat's wings flap.-Animals are much more than stationary models.-As cool as this sounds, it also teaches youngsters about the workings of movable joints.-Appropriate to engineer creation with moveable, as opposed to non-movable, connections.-Build a host of other models with these kits as well.-Kits contain a one-hour simple-machines lesson plan.-Moving parts.-40 page basics book.-60 pieces kit.-Great for home or the classroom.-Ages 8 and up. Includes: -Includes a minipult that launches small objects. Construction: -Integrates with all existing construction systems on the market. Dimensions: -Overall dimensions: 3'' H x 6'' W x 4'' D. Collection: -Part of Uberstix collection.
    Brand: Uberstix, Model: U00403

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