Turtle Wax T-43 (2-in-1) Headlight Cleaner and Sealant - 9 oz.

Turtle Wax
In Stock


Brand Turtle Wax
Model T43
Size 9 Ounce

  • 2-in-1 formula restores clarity and prevents yellowing in 1 easy step
  • Formulated with OEM acrylic resins to help prevent oxidation and cloudiness from reoccurring
  • Use regularly on new and older headlights to maintain clarity
  • Also works great on clear plexiglass, plastic windows and other translucent plastics
  • Safe to use on headlights and taillights and is fully compatible with other headlight lens restoration products

  • Turtle Wax 2-in-1 Headlight Cleaner and Sealant provides multiple benefits by cleaning and sealing in a single step, making headlight maintenance easier than ever. Precision compounds polish away cloudy surface oxidation and restore clarity to lightly damaged plastic lenses. The combination of OEM cleaner acrylic resins and silicone resins fill and seal the lens to provide a lasting protective barrier in a single application. Turtle Wax 2-in-1 Headlight Cleaner and Sealant can be used for preventative maintenance to keep new or like-new lenses clear or to clean and restore lightly oxidized lenses.

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