Turning Tool Sharpening Setter Tormek TTS-100

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  • Creates Instant Replication of the Geometeries on Turning Gouges and Skews
  • Built in Edge Geometeries
  • Works on any Stone Diameter
  • Perfect for Wood Turning Tools
  • Works when Setting the Edge Angle on the Leather Honing Wheel

  • One of the toughest things for serious woodworkers is keeping their specialized precision cutting and wood turning tools, like fingernail gouges and skews, sharp to the perfect angle. Tormek makes this difficult process much easier with this Turning Tool Angle Setter. In fact, this handy tool makes the process simple, and dare we say, fun. The curved edges of your wood turning tools will come out sharper than ever, at the perfect angle. The built-in geometries make setting the perfect shape a snap, so when you sharpen, you're really sharpening, and not shaping. This not only makes for a better edge, but it prolongs tool life as well. The turning tool setter works with our Tormek sharpening systems and the SVD-185 and SVS-50 jigs, but customers report it also works on the Grizzly and Bench Grinder Systems as well. If you have wood turning tools you'd like to keep sharp, this turning tool setter is a must-have accessory.
    Brand: Tormek, Model: TTS-100

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