Tulip TP1166Etimo Crochet Hook Set

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Brand Tulip
Model TP1166

  • The biggest advantage of the etimo hook is the elastomeric comfort grip
  • Etimo hooks are made from durable superior quality aluminum with a polished finish that does not flake or chip
  • Handle's length and depth of the hook itself make stitching easier
  • Includes 8 crochet hooks, 2 yarn needles, high quality thread, scissors, 4-1/2 inch plastic ruler and an attractive clutch to keep what is sure to be your most cherished tools safe and organized

  • Doris Chan says it best: The biggest advantage of the ETIMO hook is the elastomeric comfort grip. It is revolutionary, supremely comfortable, functional, and durable. It has a soft smooth cushy feel and fits perfectly in my hand. She never wants to be without hers. Plus Etimo hooks are made from durable superior quality aluminum with a polished finish that does not flake or chip. Even better, the handle's length and depth of the hook itself make stitching easier. The result is a crocheter's dream that allows for longer stitching with more accuracy and greater comfort. This set includes 8 Etimo Crochet Hooks (D3/3.25mm E4/3.5mm F5/3.75mm G6/4mm 7/4.5mm H8/5mm I9/5.5mm and J10/6mm), 2 yarn needles, high quality thread, scissors, 4-1/2 inch plastic ruler and an attractive clutch to keep what is sure to be your most cherished tools safe and organized. Imported.

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