Tsukineko 1-Piece Ink Sweeper

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  • Tsukineko's ink sweeper is a quick and easy applicator for sweeping and spreading antiquing solutions, paints, stains, dyes, inks and liquid adhesives
  • Place the ink sweeper over 2 or 3 fingertips, then apply 2 or more different colors of ink directly from Inkers and apply to paper for blended backgrounds
  • Great for paper, fabric, wood, paper mache, shrink plastic and many other surfaces
  • Measures 1-1/20 by 1-1/20 by 1-1/2-inch

  • Tsukineko's Ink Sweeper is a quick and easy applicator for sweeping and spreading antiquing solutions, paints, stains, dyes, inks and liquid adhesives. Approximately the length of three of Tsukineko's Sponge Daubers, place the Ink Sweeper over two or three fingertips and apply two or more different colors of ink directly from Inkers and apply to paper for blended backgrounds. The Ink Sweeper is also an excellent tool for picking up three bands of continuous color from Tsukineko's Kaleidacolor inkpad. Also, use Ink Sweepers to apply any water-based ink over images stamped with VersaMark on glossy cardstock for beautiful resist effects. Great for paper, fabric, wood, paper mache, shrink plastic and a wide range of other surfaces. Applicator for Inks, Stains, Paints, Creating Backgrounds, Designs and other Crafting Applications
    Brand: Tsukineko, Model: STPKG003

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