Truper 30931 36-Inch Sledge Hammer with Fiberglass Handle with Rubber Grip, 12-Pound

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  • 12-pound sledge hammer for heavy demolition
  • 36-inch double injected fiberglass handle
  • Rubber grip for improved handling and control
  • Pro-Grade for commercial industrial, or residential use
  • Stock up on quality truper tools for other projects today

  • Truper 30931, MD-12F, 12-Pound Sledge Hammer, Fiberglass Handle with Rubber Grip, 36-Inch. 12-pound sledge hammer for heavy demolition. 36-Inch Double injected fiberglass handle. Rubber grip for improved handling and control. Pro-Grade for commercial industrial, or residential use. Stock up on quality Truper Tools for other projects today.Truper has been in the hand tool manufacturing business for over 40 years and is by far the largest Mexican company in its field. Truper relies on the most advanced modern and efficient technology to guarantee the optimum quality and value of its products and demanding service needs of the company-Feets global customers.
    Brand: Truper, Model: 30931, Color: N/A, Size: 12-Pound

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