Tripp Lite HDMI Extender Equalizer, Active Repeater for Video and Audio 1920x1200,1080p at 24Hz (HDMI F/F)(B122-000)

Tripp Lite
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  • INCREASE THE DISTANCE ASIGNAL CAN BE TRANSMITTED: Extend a 1080p24Hz (or 1920 x 1200) HDMI signal up to 150 ft. from the source which allows for the extension of an HDMI signal beyond regular distance limitations
  • GREATER FLEXIBILITY: When extending a 1080p24Hz (or 1920 x 1200) signal more than 75 ft., use cable made with 24Awg wiring, such as the P568-100-HD.24Awg HDMI cable is also needed when extending a 3D signal more than 50 ft.
  • SUPPORTS: DTS-HD, Dolby True HD and 7.1 Channel Surround Sound Audio
  • CONVENIENT PLUG-AND-PLAY SETUP: No software or drivers required. Although most installations will not require power, a Micro USB port is provided in the event power is needed
  • ULTIMATE PEACE OF MIND: Tripp Lite's B122-000 is backed by a 3-year limited warranty and is compliant with the Federal Trade Agreements Act (TAA) for GSA Schedule purchases.

  • Tripp Lite B122-000 HDMI Extender, HDMI F/F Troubleshooting tips : 1. The B122-000 needs to be connected in a particular order, with the longer HDMI cable going from source to the source power on the unit, and the shorter HDMI cable going from the display side of the adapter to the display. The top of the unit is labeled to show which ports are which. 2. The B122-000 supports refresh rates up to 24Hz. 3. The B122-000 supports color depths up to 24-bit (8-bits per channel). 4. High quality HDMI cabling only can result in good performance. 3-year limited warranty
    Brand: Tripp Lite, Model: B122-000, Color: iphone, Size: apple

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