Trim-Lok Trim Seal with Top Bulb – PVC Plastic Trim with EPDM Rubber Bulb Seal – Fits 1/16” Edge, 3/4” Bulb Seal Diameter, 25' Length

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  • FLEXIBLE PVC TRIM with internal aluminum metal clips and gripping tongue - providing strong grip and excellent grip retention.
  • DURABLE EPDM FOAM RUBBER drowns out noise, eliminates vibration, and protects your vehicle, RV, boat, or home from outside elements.
  • WEATHER-RESISTANT rubber bulb seal, PVC vinyl gripping tongue and aluminum clip provides excellent protection against heat, extreme weather damage and corrosion.
  • EASY TO INSTALL push-on trim seal allows for a fast installation and creates a finished edge seal that is durable and protects against the elements.
  • WIDE RANGE OF APPLICATIONS including RV compartment seals, boat hatch seals, door seals, automotive door seals, storage container seals, tool box seals and decorative trim seals.

  • Our Trim Seal products are made with dependability and ease of install in mind. A flexible PVC vinyl edge trim reinforced with an aluminum clip is mated with a rubber bulb gasket to provide ultimate protection from the elements. Simply push these rubber trim seals onto an edge to keep wind, dust and water out. Trim seals can conform to curved and irregular surfaces and they can be cut to length with shears or tin snips. The versatility and ease of installation of this Trim Seal product makes it great for DIY solutions – providing a seal for RV compartments, boat hatches, home and automotive doors, car restoration and other restoration projects, and more. While the gripping portion is made of PVC with individual aluminum clips inside to ensure a permanent, secure grip, the EPDM closed-cell foam rubber seals provide an excellent solution to a secure seal. If you're looking for a durable EPDM bulb seal that will protect boats, automobiles, or trucks from unnecessary damage, look no further than the Trim Seal product series by Trim-Lok.
    Brand: Trim-lok, Model: 7100B3X1/16C-25, Color: Bulb Type:Top Bulb, Size: 25 feet

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