Travel Scavenger Hunt Card Game

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  • The Travel Scavenger Hunt for Kids from University Games is great fun on a car trip
  • Kids love whiling away the miles searching for the objects found on the cards
  • Can you find a red car, a license plate with the letter ''Z,'' or a stop sign
  • Includes 54 scavenger hunt cards for 2 or more players, ages 7 and up
  • University Games offers you and your family creative games that are easy to learn and fun to play

  • Travel Scavenger Hunt is the ultimate boredom beater and the perfect passenger for your next family road trip! To play, each player takes five cards and tries to locate various roadside objects. In addition, several funny “Hear It”, “Feel It”, and “Smell It” cards encourage kids to use all their travel senses by listening for sounds, feeling for bumps, and sniffing for scents. Even the most restless traveler will enjoy coming along for the ride!
    Brand: Briarpatch, Model: 1429, Color: Basic

    Custom Tab 01

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