Tracy Anderson Method: Post-Pregnancy Workout

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  • Run Time: 0
  • Release Date: 9/4/2012
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  • I am so proud that you have chosen to have me as your teacher and design your healthiest body. I have dedicated over a decade to creating the tools, movements, and prescriptions to keep your muscles awake and alert and be able to give you the body you desire. No one in fitness has ever created the collection of content that the Tracy Anderson Method delivers to you. With this program, your results will never plateau or fail you like any fitness programs you may have tried in the past. This DVD is for new moms who want to start their workouts after giving birth but do not want to push themselves too hard to get back into shape with traditional workout DVDs. While similar to other Tracy Anderson Method workouts, this post-pregnancy DVD focuses on regaining your abdominal strength and helping the skin on your stomach adhere to your muscles again. This is a restorative workout that I also recommend for older clients or people with injuries. This is a complete Tracy Anderson Method workout and is also great for beginners to the Method as they can also learn the basics and fundamentals. I recommend that you do this workout until you feel you have completely regained your strength and can begin your Metamorphosis workouts. Love, Tracy ''Truly a miracle. Never did I imagine that in my 30s, after two children, I would be able to change my body to the degree to which I have. Tracy's method works! All you have to do is put the time in and you will see results you never thought possible.'' - Gwyneth Paltrow ''Tracy Anderson's Method has proven to be the best exercise program for my body'' - Madonna
    Brand: TCFHE/ANCHOR BAY/STARZ, Model: 013132593630

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