Tow Tuff TTF-2762KR Steel Cargo Carrier with Bike Rack

Tow Tuff
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  • The Tow Tuff Cargo Carrier measures 27" x 62" x 3" deep, giving you plenty of room to take care of your various hauling needs
  • With a total weight capacity of 500 lbs., this Tow Tuff product can hold large loads. Constructed of heavy-duty steel for a durable product
  • The unique design allows this 2-in-1 carrier to function as a cargo carrier or as a bike rack by simply removing the pins to turn the bike rack into a cargo carrier or vice versa; fits 2" receivers for easy mounting onto your vehicle
  • When using as a bike rack, the adjustable wheel holder and tie-down holes secure the bike(s) in place. The wheel cradles fit most bikes and holds up to 4 bikes
  • Includes a tie-down strap; 1 year limited Manufacturer's parts warranty

  • Tow Tuff brings you the TTF-2762KR Steel Cargo Carrier with Bike Rack. This is a 2-in-1 bike rack and cargo carrier, perfect for a variety of hauling needs. The Tow Tuff Cargo Carrier measures 27” x 62” x 3” deep, which gives you plenty of room to take care of a variety of different loads. The unique design of this carrier allows it to function as a cargo carrier or as a bike rack by simply removing the pins to turn the bike rack into a cargo carrier. When using the carrier as a bike rack, the adjustable wheel holder and tie-down holes secure the bike(s) in place. With ample room for 4 bikes, this rack is the perfect size. The weight capacity is 500 lbs. for a heavy-duty cargo carrier. This cargo carrier fits all 2” receivers to easily mount onto your vehicle. Constructed of heavy-duty steel, this carrier is easy to use, yet durable for a reliable and long-lasting product. Includes a strap for securing your cargo in place.
    Brand: Tow Tuff, Model: TTF-2762KR

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