Tormek SVM-00 Small Knife Holder for use with SVM-45 Knife Jig

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  • The holder is designed to securely hold the knife without damaging the handle
  • There is really no limit to how small a blade you can sharpen
  • Works in conjunction with the knife jig

  • The new Small Knife Holder SVM-00 from Tormek can handle those really small knife blades which up until now have been difficult to sharpen. In the past they have been sharpened free-hand but every time it was a challenge to get a consistent shape and almost impossible to control the edge angle. You can now sharpen knives of different shapes for whittling, chip carving and detail work. Even folding pocket knives can be sharpened with perfect control. Since it is the handle of the knife that is mounted in the SVM-00 holder, there is really no limit to how small a blade you can sharpen. It works in conjunction with the Knife Jig SVM-45 which is sold separately.
    Brand: Tormek, Model: TOR-SVM00

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