Changes the grind stone from fast cutting to fine grinding and back
Can be used any number of times
This jig is for changing the function of the grindstone. The Tormek grindstone is constructed so that with the Stone Grader it can be treated to change its property from fast grinding to fine grinding, i.e. sharpening. The grading of the grindstone is made by pressing the fine side of the Stone Grader onto the grindstone, which makes it work as a fine-grit stone (approximately 1000 grit). When pressing the coarse side onto the grindstone, the smoothened surface is returned to its normal condition (220 grit). This process does not place excessive wear on the grindstone and can be repeated any number of times. For use with the Tormek T-7 and T-3 sharpening systems. Brand: Tormek, Model: SP-650
Custom Tab 01
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