Timber Wolf Bandsaw Blade 3/4" x 105", 3 TPI

Timber Wolf
SKU: EZFB0032Z15I6
Out Of Stock


  • High silicon, low carbide steel
  • Ideal for resawing thick stock
  • Runs cooler and lasts longer
  • Runs under low tension which requires less horsepower
  • Thin kerf

  • Timber Wolf makes the world's only thin-kerf, low tension, silicon steel bandsaw blades that will outlast your old carbon steel blades by a mile! Your bandsaw will cut better and faster, with less wear on bearings, shafts and tires. Tooth angles and gullet symmetries, combined with a unique set pattern, create a blade that is everything a wood-cutting blade was meant to be. Blade has over 60% of the speed capabilities of a hook blade while giving you the great finish of a skip. The round design of the gullet eliminates any work hardening zones. Couple that with the special 6.5° rake, 5-tooth set pattern, and .025" thick thin-kerf blade and you have an awesome bandsaw blade!
    Brand: Timber Wolf, Model: 105343

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