Timber Wolf 99 3/4" x 1/4" Band Saw Blade

PS Wood
Out Of Stock


  • Fits new Craftsman 14" and Rikon band saw
  • High silicon, low carbon steel
  • Low tension, thus requiring less HP
  • Milled teeth, thin kerf, warranted weld
  • True tracking

  • Timber Wolf's use of premium Swedish steels, proprietary induction hardening methods and exclusive tooth milling processes has created some of the finest woodworking blades in the world. Milling the teeth of the blades into a piece of strip steel produces a finished, razor sharp edge without ever having to stamp or grind the teeth. Induction hardening allows for different but more precise hardness throughout the blade. These unique manufacturing techniques along with the use of Swedish Silicon steel and the highest quality alloys set these blades apart from all other wood blades. This PC (Positive Claw) blade has sixty percent of the feed speed capabilities of a hook tooth, while at the same time giving you the great finish of a skip tooth. The depth and roundness of the gullet increases sawdust removal and cutting speed while the milled teeth help to reduce consumption of horsepower. Couple all this with our unique 6.5 degree rake angle and special 5 tooth set pattern and you have an awesome cutting blade that glides through the wood and produces an excellent finish and gives you great overall life.
    Brand: PS Wood, Model: 99 3/4 x 1/4 x 6

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