Thomas and Betts TR TY242MX CABLE TIE 30LB 8" UV BLK (Pack of 1000)

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The Ty-Rap TY232M has a nominal length of 8" with an 18lb capacity and a maximum wire bundle diameter of 2". Made of natural nylon with a stainless steel locking device and sold in a bulk pack of 1000. The smooth, notchless body reduces stress concentration points under tension, making the tie stronger and lower profile than notched body ties. Ribbed and Stippled body grips the bundle and prevents slippage. Rounded edges protect insulation, preventing sharp edges from damaging cables.Thomas & Betts was founded in 1898 by two young engineers from Princeton, Robert M. Thomas and Hobart D. Betts, and is now a leading designer and manufacturer of connectors and components for the electrical and communication market. With over 100 years in the electrical market Thomas & Betts has become a major player in the North American low-voltage products market.
Brand: Generic, Model: TY242MX

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