Thinkbaby Low Rise BPA Free Baby Bowl, Silver/Orange

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  • Free of - bisphenol-a (BPA), phthalates, nitrosamines, lead, PVC, pet, tritan and biologically harmful chemicals, Made from medical grade stainless steel and wrapped in polypropylene - designed to come apart for easy cleaning, Baby bowl with low rise wall comes complete with easy to find orange lid, Designed to be perfect for you and your child, Easy to Clean - Dishwasher safe (Top Rack Recommended)

  • thinkbaby and thinksport were created to address the concern of chemicals leaching from consumer products. While many companies have emerged to offer BPA free baby bottles, many bottles not only still contain BPA despite saying BPA free (see Health Canada study), but many companies have also landed on untested materials just because the material claims to be free of BPA. thinkbaby utilizes the precautionary principle in the creation of all of our products. We dont jump to new materials without doing the requisite testing to ensure that we havent landed on another BPA-like material. When we target a product segment that concerns us, we ask the question, How can we make the product line Safe. Functional. Sustainable. thinkbaby and thinksports focus has led us to be the first company to span safe consumer products ranging from baby to adults. thinkbabys Baby bowl furthers our mission by providing safe, sustainable, functional and elegant products for little ones. In the development of our BPA free Baby bowl, thinkbaby continues the mission by providing a feeding bowl free of BPA, phthalates, nitrosamines, lead, and PVC.Our Baby bowl set is also free of Melamine. Early laboratory research has shown melamine based tableware to leach melamine at various temperatures and when combined with other chemicals (such as formaldehyde and cyanuric) have the potential to pose a risk. As we expect the debate to begin on the safety of this chemical, the research we reviewed caused us ask a simple question. Does the product have to have melamine Nope. So we built our set to be completely free of it. The baby bowl becomes useful from the moment that your doctor green lights solid food feeding to school days and beyond. Parents find the baby bowl is perfect for feeding and food storage.
    Brand: Thinkbaby, Model: 2201Babybowl, Color: Silver/Orange

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